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The Cruise

"A little vacation fun"

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This is the story of Ben (40) and Nina (38), a happily married couple of 14 years. They both decided to go on vacation on a cruise ship, to take a break from work and parenting. They dropped their kids off at their parent’s place, and drove several hours to where the cruise ship has docked.

Nina: whew, finally…

Ben: Ah, the open waters. Let me get our luggage babe.

Ben and Nina grabbed their luggage and brings them to their cabin number, 312. They unpack their clothes as the ship begins its 14 day journey.

Nina: Hey babe?

Ben: Yea, Nina?

Nina: Let’s go to the pool on the upper deck. Ya know, cool off from the summer heat.

Ben: haha, sure babe, whatever you like.

Nina gets into her red swimsuit, while Ben changes into his shorts. They both head to the upper deck where the pool is. Ben and Nina would swim for some time with other people in the pool. They eventually got out and dry themselves off in the sun.

Nina: Ben… Look over there.

Ben looks over, and finds another couple glancing at him and Nina. The couple who were looking at them were very attractive. These two are Mark (41) and Sarah (39), a happily married couple of 16 years.

Ben: Don’t pay attention. Let’s just sit over on the benches here.

Ben and Nina both sit on the bench, drying off in the sun. Suddenly, Mark and Sarah walk over to them.

Sarah: Hi, sorry to bother, but are these seats here taken?

Nina: No no, go ahead.

Mark and Sarah would sit on the bench next to Ben and Nina.

Sarah: I’m Sarah by the way. And this is my husband, Mark.

Mark: Pleasure to meet you folks.

Ben and Nina shakes their hands.

Nina: I’m Nina, and this is my husband Ben.

Ben: Pleasure to meet you both as well.

Sarah: lovely day for a swim, don’t y’all think?

Nina: Yes it is, haha.

Sarah: I assume you and your husband are on vacation as well?

Nina: You are correct, Sarah.

Ben: Yep, a break from work and the kids.

Mark: Ah, we feel y’all. How many kids? Sarah and I have 3.

Nina: We have 3 kids as well haha.

Mark: Guess we aren’t too different, haha.

After about an hour of chatting, Ben and Nina decides to invite Mark and Sarah for dinner at a reservation.

Ben: Hey guys… If y’all don’t mind… How about you both join me and Nina for dinner. We have a reservation at this restaurant here called “The Anchor Bros.”

Sarah: We would love to join you guys.

Nina: Ah, good good. We’ll meet you guys at 8pm.

Ben and Nina go to their cabin and get ready for dinner. Ben dresses up in a nice, black suit, and Nina dresses up in a beautiful black dress.

Ben and Nina are at The Anchor Bros. and 8:00 pm rolls around, but no sign of Mark and Sarah.

Nina: I hope they didn’t change their minds…

Ben: Don’t worry babe, they’ll be here soon.

Soon enough, Mark arrives with a suit on, while Sarah arrives wearing a red dress.

Sarah: Hey guys. Sorry we were late.

Mark: We didn’t miss anything did we?

Ben: Nope, just about time.

The four of them all sit down at a round table reserved for them. The waiter comes to the table and asks for their orders.

Waiter: Good evening, everyone! And welcome to The Anchor Bros.! I’ll be y’alls waiter for tonight. What can I get y’all for?

Ben: I would like to have the steak, medium rare please.

Nina: Can I have the pasta, with cheddar cheese sprinkled on top?

Waiter: Yes you may, ma’am.

Mark: I’ll have the steak as well. Medium rare.

Sarah: I’ll have the seafood special of shrimp and lobster.

Waiter: Excellent choice. And anything to drink?

Ben: Red wine for me and my wife here.

Mark: We would like the same as well.

Waiter: 4 red wines, very well. I’ll be back with y’alls dishes.

About 15 minutes later, the waiter comes back with the food and the drinks.

Waiter: Here you go… 2 medium rare steaks for the gents, 1 pasta with cheddar cheese sprinkles for the lovely lady, and 1 Seafood special for the lovely lady. Ah yes and 4 glasses of red wine. Dinner is served.

The four would eat their food, drink their glasses, and chat some more about their lives. After about 15 minutes, they finish their food and drinks. They pay for the food and drinks, leave a tip for the waiter, and prepare to leave.

Waiter: Thank you all so much for coming. We hope you all enjoyed your time here at The Anchor Bros.

Nina: Very much sir.

The four leave the restaurant.

Ben: Hey Sarah, Mark?

Sarah: Yea Ben?

Ben: Y’all care to have some drinks tonight, at The Red Dragon Bar?

Mark: Sure man!

The four of them head down to The Red Dragon Bar

Bartender: Hello Folks! What can I get y’all?

Ben: 4 shots of whiskey for the four of us.

Bartender: Coming right up!

The bartender pours four shots of whiskey for the four of them

Nina: Cheers!

Mark: Cheers!

Ben: Cheers!

Sarah: Cheers!

They drink their shots as loud music is playing in the back.

Sarah: Hey Nina… Let’s dance together!

Nina: haha, um… I don’t know…

Sarah: Oh come on… Let’s go!

Sarah takes Nina’s hand and pulls her over to the dance floor. They both dance wildly, as their husbands watch them, admiring the ladies.

Ben: WOOO!!! Yeah, honey!

Mark: WOW!!! Our wives are hot, man!

Ben: Fuck yea they are! Shake it babe!

An hour later, the four pay for the drinks, and headed out the bar.

Sarah: Whew! Thank you guys so much. We had a lot of fun.

Nina: Haha, don’t mention it.

Mark: How can we repay you guys?

Ben: Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s what we all needed from this trip.

Sarah: Come on, there’s gotta be a way for us to repay you guys.

Nina: No really, you guys don’t have to.

Mark: How about this…? Why don’t you and Ben come back to our cabin and hangout with us?

Nina: Well… I’m down if Ben is down.

Ben: Fine by me. I don’t see a problem with that.

Sarah: Right this way!

Mark and Sarah lead Ben and Nina to their cabin, number 437. As they enter the room, there’s a bed, a bathroom, some chairs and a couch, a desk, lamps, a TV, and a window.

Mark: Our cabin isn’t much, but make yourselves at home.

Ben: Meh, it’s pretty much the same as our cabin too.

They all sit around, have some small talks, and have a few more drinks.

Nina: Sooo… What some secrets that you both have? Hehe

Mark: Well… We do have one secret… How do I put this…? We are um…

Sarah: Mark and I are swingers.

Ben: Wait what?

Sarah: We’re swingers.

Nina and Ben’s mouth drop out of shock.

Mark: Yea… it’s a secret we keep to ourselves haha.

Sarah: Y’all ever thought of swinging? Hehehe

Ben: Um… No actually, hahaha…

Nina: Haha, swinging just sounds… weird haha…

Sarah: It’s a lot of fun… If y’all want, maybe Mark and I can show y’all the lifestyle?

Nina: Gee sarah… I don’t know…

Sarah puts her hand on Nina’s shoulder

Sarah: C’mon… Don’t be shy… Maybe just a little bit… We can start with a kiss, and see where it goes from there…

Nina: Well… Only if Ben is okay with it…

Ben: Well… I always wanted to see my wife kiss another woman…

Sarah: hehehe…

Sarah leans in and kisses Nina on the lips. She caress Nina’s cheek as she kisses her deeply. Ben and Mark watch as their wives kiss each other.

Sarah: Mmmm… hehe, like it, Nina?

Nina: hehehe… A little bit…

Sarah: See… Not so bad… Mmmm…

Sarah and Nina continue kissing deeply. Mark puts his hands in his pocket and slowly rubs his crotch. Ben bites his lips, watching Sarah kiss his wife.

Ben: Damn that’s hot… Wow!

Sarah: Mmmm… See, your husband likes the view…

Sarah caresses Nina’s breasts while kissing her. Nina lightly moans to Sarah’s touch.

Nina: Mmmm… Mmmm…

Sarah: Mmmm… Nice titties, Nina…

Ben starts rubbing his crotch as Sarah continues making out with Nina.

Nina: Mmmm… Oh my… I can’t believe this is happening…

Sarah: Mmmmm…. Hehe, c’mon, let’s get you out of this dress.

Nina and Sarah both stand up, and Sarah begins stripping Nina slowly. She starts with the dress, then the bra, and lastly the panties.

Sarah: Oooh…. You have a nice butt.

Sarah spanks Nina.

Nina: hehehe…

Both Mark’s cock and Ben’s cock grow semi hard from witnessing Sarah spanking Nina. Sarah begins slowly stripping herself naked, revealing her beautiful body. Ben’s eyes open wide, admiring Sarah’s sexy body.

Sarah: Y’all like what y’all see, boys?

Mark: Definitely, babe… Hot damn…

Ben: Wow! You both look sexy!

Sarah goes back to kissing Nina, this time caressing her ass cheek and lower back. Mark unzips his pants, pulls out his cock, and slowly jerk himself watching the ladies kiss each other.

Mark: Damn ladies… Fucking amazing…

Nina: Mmmm… Sarah… hehehe, oh my gosh, you’re a good kisser.

Sarah: Mmmm… Thank you hehehe.

Sarah and Nina looks over at Mark jerking himself.

Sarah: Doesn’t Mark have a nice cock, Nina? Hehe

Nina: Hehehe, I mean… It’s pretty much the same size as Ben’s cock…

Mark: Well… want to play with it, Nina?

Nina: Well, um….

Nina looks over at Ben.

Ben: If you want to, babe, go for it.

Sarah: Don’t worry, Nina… I’ll take care of Ben, hehehe.

Sarah spanks Nina to go towards Mark, while she turns around and walks to Ben. Mark takes the rest of his clothes off, as Nina helps undress Ben.

Sarah: Oooh, nice cock, Ben. I like it, hehehe

Ben: Haha, thanks Sarah…

Nina gets on her knees in front of Mark, and slowly jerks his cock.

Mark: Ooooh… your hand is warm, Nina….

Nina: You like that, Mark?

Mark: Mmmm, yea, I do… It feels nice haha…

Sarah gets down on her knees and slowly jerks Ben’s cock.

Sarah: hehe, Nina was right, it is the same as Mark.

Ben: Oh wow! Sarah… Fuck… that feels good…

Sarah: Oh yea? How about this?

Sarah slowly wraps her lips around the head of Ben’s cock.

Ben: Oh Fuck! Sarah…. Fuck…

Sarah: Mmmm…

Nina wraps her lips around the head of Mark’s cock. She slowly sucks on it.

Mark: Damn… Nina… Oooh, that feels good.

Nina: Mmmm… Mmmm…

Mark and Ben close their eyes, as Sarah and Nina suck on their cocks.

Ben: Oh fuck… fuckin A… Sarah, yesss…

Mark: Oooh… Nina… Yes, just like that… Mmmm…

Sarah and Nina suck on the men’s cocks a little faster.

Sarah: Mmmm… Mmmm… tasty…

Nina: Mmmm… Mmmm…

Mark: fuck… Oooh… Sarah, honey… Get in 69 with Ben… Nina, you too, on top of me…

Ben lays back as Sarah climbs on top of him, in 69 position. She goes back to sucking Ben’s cock, while Ben eats and sucks on her pussy and clit.

Nina does the same to Mark, getting in 69 position. She continues sucking his cock, as Mark eats her pussy out.

Sarah: Mmmmm…. Mmmm… Just like that, Ben…

Ben: Mmmmm… Your pussy is tasty, Sarah…

Mark: Mmmm… Keep sucking my cock, Nina… Good girl… Mmmm…

Nina: Fuck… Oh my gosh…. Mmmm… Mmmm…

Sarah starts playing with Ben’s balls, as she continues sucking him.

Ben: Fuck… Mmmm… Sarah… That feels good…

Nina looks over to Sarah sucking Ben’s cock and playing with his balls. Mark notices Nina stopped sucking, and pushes her head back down on his cock, while eating her pussy.

Mark: Mmmm… Keep sucking…

Nina: Mmmm… Hehe, sorry Mark… Mmmm…

Mark: Haha, it’s okay… Just keep sucking…

All four of them pick up the speed of sucking and eating each other

Nina: Fuck… Mmmm… This is so weird, but I like it… hehe….

Ben: Damn, Sarah… You’re so good…

Sarah: Mmmm… Thank you Ben…

Mark: Damn… Your wife tastes great, Ben.

Sarah turns around, faces Ben, and kisses him. Nina does the same to Mark.

Mark: Alrighty, Nina… Now, time to really have some fun.

Mark flips Nina on her back, and gets between her legs. He takes his cock and rubs it against her pussy.

Nina: Oooh…

Mark: Oooh… Ready?

Nina: nods her head mmhmm…

Mark slowly pushes his cock into Nina’s pussy.

Nina: Ohhhh fuck…. Ooooh…

Mark: Fuckin A… Oooh, it’s so tight… Fuck… Yesss…

Ben and Sarah look over at Mark pushing his cock into Nina. They smile at them.

Ben: Should we…?

Sarah: haha, yes… kisses Ben

Sarah gets off Ben and lays on her back, spreading her legs for him. Ben gets between Sarah’s legs and rubs his cock against her pussy. They kiss again before penetrating.

Ben: Haha, ready?

Sarah: hehe, do it… Do it…

Ben slowly pushes his cock into Sarah’s pussy. They both moan.

Mark fucks Nina’s pussy a little faster.

Mark: Ah yea… Oooh…

Nina: Mark… Oh fuck… Yes Mark… fuck me…

Ben slowly fucks Sarah’s pussy.

Ben: Ah yes yes yes… fuck yes…

Sarah: Fuck... Fuck, you’re so hard, Ben…

Mark looks over while fucking Nina.

Mark: Haha, c’mon, Ben… Pick up the pace…

Ben: Haha, as you wish…

Ben starts pound Sarah’s pussy harder.

Sarah: Fuck yes…. Yes yes yes yes yes… Fucking love it, Ben…

Ben: Grrr… Damn… Fuck yes, Sarah…

Mark starts pounding Nina’s pussy harder.

Nina: Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh… Fuck yes…. Mark, Fuck yes…

Mark: Yea… Take it, Nina… Fuck… Fucking take it…

Both men begin pounding even harder.

Nina: Fuck… Fuck… Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh… UGHHHH… FUUUCK…

Sarah: Fuck… Ben… Omg…. You’re gonna make me…. FUUUCK… OHHH FUUUCK….

Nina and Sarah both cum as the men continues fucking them.

Mark: Good girl, Nina… Cum for me….

Ben: Fuck yes… Cum Sarah… Yea, you love it…

Mark kisses Nina, and Ben kisses Sarah.

Sarah: Omg, you’re so good, Ben… Wow! Hehehe…

Nina: That was amazing, Mark… Oooh…

Mark: Mmmm… We’re not done yet, hahaha…

Mark flips Nina over on all fours, and spanks her.

Mark: Haha, your wife has a nice ass, Ben.

Ben: Oh I know, haha. Same with your wife.

Ben spanks Sarah.

Sarah: Oooh, bad boy, Ben. Hehehe…

Mark: Ready, Nina?

Nina: Mmhmm… I’m ready…

Mark shoves his cock back inside Nina’s pussy, in doggystyle. Mark starts pounding Nina hard.

Nina: Omg… Omg… fuck…. Oooh… So rough, hehehe…

Mark: Hahaha, sorry… Couldn’t wait anymore… Fuck… Fuck…

Sarah gets on all fours, waiting for Ben to fuck her from behind. Ben gets behind her, pushes his cock back inside her pussy, and fucks her doggystyle.

Ben: Ah yea… Oooh… One of my favorite positions…

Sarah: Mmmm… Oooh… One of my favorites as well… hehehe…

Ben and Mark both fuck the ladies harder.

Ben: Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh…

Mark: Ah yea… Yea… Take it, Nina… Yea…

Sarah: Fuck… Fuck me… Yes Ben, just like that…

Nina: Omg… Mark… Omg… You’re so good… Fuck…

Ben and Mark fuck the ladies even harder, as their balls hit against the women’s clits.

Sarah: Fuck… Fuck… Fuck… UGHHHH… UGHHHH…

Nina: Omg… Mark… There it is… There it… FUUUCK… OHHH FUUUCK….

Sarah and Nina cum as they continue to get pounded from behind.

Ben: Fuck yes, cum on my cock, Sarah…

Mark: There we go… Good girl, Nina… Cum on my cock…

Nina collapse on the bed, panting hard. Sarah and Ben kiss each other. Mark spanks Nina, with her ass in the air.

Mark: Hey Nina? You and Ben ever done anal?

Nina: Yea we have.

Mark: Did you like it?

Nina: It was painful at first, but I began to like it after a while.

Mark: Well… You have a nice ass… I was wondering… Can I fuck you in the ass, Nina?

Nina: Um… Hehehe, I don’t know…

Mark: Please… Can I?

Nina: Well… Only if Ben is okay with it…

Mark looks over at Ben and Sarah, while they are still kissing.

Mark: Yo Ben?

Ben: yea, Mark?

Mark: You cool if I fuck your wife’s ass hole?

Ben: Haha, as long as I get to fuck Sarah’s ass hole, then I’m cool with it.

Mark: Deal!

Ben: Deal!

Mark spreads Nina’s ass cheek, revealing her beautiful butthole. He licks her ass hole to lube it up.

Nina: Oooh… Hehehe…

Mark: Mmmm… haha, like that?

Nina: Ooooh… Yea, I like that.

Mark keeps her ass cheek spread, and tries to push his cock into her butthole. Nina’s butthole refuses to spread for Mark’s cock.

Mark: Nina… I’m gonna push a little harder, okay... So just bear with me…

Nina: Oooh… take your time… Mmmm…

Mark pushes his cock harder into Nina’s butthole, but her butthole continues to resist it. So Mark pushes even harder, and this time Nina’s butthole spread open, tightening around Mark’s cock.

Mark: DAMN… WOW!!! Your ass is so tight…

Nina: OOOOH…. Fuck… Omg, yesss…

Sarah: Damn, take it girl… Take my husband’s cock in your ass, hehe…

Ben: Your ass hole is mine as well, Sarah.

Ben pulls his cock out of Sarah’s pussy, and spreads her ass cheeks. He eats her ass, to lube it up.

Sarah: Fuck… Yes, Ben… Eat my ass, just like that…

Ben: Mmmm… Your ass is tasty, Sarah… Mmmm…

Ben stops eating Sarah’s ass, and slowly pushes his cock into Sarah’s ass hole, with some resistance.

Sarah: Omg… Fuck… You’re so hard, Ben…

Ben: Omg… Damn… Your ass is tight, Sarah… Fuck yes…

Mark and Ben start pound the wives’ buttholes

Nina: Omg… Fuck… Fuck… Mark, fuck you’re so hard…

Sarah: Oh yes… Yes… Fuck… Fuck my ass, Ben… Ugh…

Mark and Ben pound the wives’ asshole harder.

Ben: Yea… Oooh… So tight… Take it, Sarah…

Mark: Good girl… I’m gonna tear your ass up, Nina… Fuck yea…

The men fuck the ladies even harder in the ass.

Nina: Omg… Omg… Omg… UGHHHH… FUUUCK… OH FUCK…

Sarah: Yea… Yea… Yea… FUUUCK… OMG… I’M CUMMMING…

Nina and Sarah both cum from the men fucking their buttholes.

Ben: Oh shit! Whew! Haha, I almost came in your ass, Sarah… Fuck you were tight…

Mark: Haha, don’t cum yet, Ben…

Ben: Haha, I’ll try not to… But damn, your wife’s ass hole is tight.

Mark: Nina’s ass hole is tight as well…

Ben and Sarah kiss each other, and Mark and Nina kiss each other.

Mark: Haha, you okay Nina?

Nina: Oooh… My butt hurts a bit, but I loved it hehehe…

Mark: kisses Nina Haha, sorry.

Nina: kisses Mark No no, it’s okay, I loved it.

Ben lays on his back, panting. Sarah climbs on top of Ben, and kisses him.

Sarah: Now, you relax. Time for me to do some work.

Ben: Haha, fine by me.

Sarah teases Ben’s cock by rubbing it against her pussy.

Sarah: You ready, Ben?

Ben: nods give it to me, Sarah.

Sarah slowly pushes Ben’s cock into her pussy, and slowly rides it.

Sarah: Omg… Fuck…

Ben: Ugh… Sarah… Fuck yes…

Mark pulls his cock out of Nina’s butthole.

Nina: Oooh…

Mark: Whew! I’m gonna take a quick break. You just sit tight, Nina. Be right back.

Nina: haha, take your time.

Mark goes to the bathroom for a quick break. Sarah rides Ben’s cock a little faster.

Ben: Ah yea… Baby, yea… Fuck…

Sarah: Omg… Oooh… It’s so hard…

Sarah rides faster

Sarah: Mmmm… Mmmm… Yes… Oooh…

Ben: Oh fuck… Sarah… You’re so good…

Mark comes back from the bathroom. Sarah rides Ben’s cock even faster.

Mark: Whew! Fuck him, babe. Ride that dick.

Sarah: Fuck… Fuck… Ben… I’m gonna… UGHHHH… OH FUUUCK…

Ben: Sarah… Fuck… Sarah… You’re gonna… You’re gonna make me… Fuck… UGHHHH… FUUUCK… YESSS…

Sarah cums all over Ben’s cock. Ben had no choice but to cum inside Sarah’s pussy.

Nina: Baby? Did you cum?

Ben: Ah Shit! Yea, I came. Fuck, ah shit!

Mark: You came didn’t you, Ben?

Ben: Shit! Yea, sorry man… I didn’t mean to cum inside Sarah.

Mark: No no, it’s cool. It happens all the time.

Ben: Wait, you’re okay with it?

Mark: Yea, I’m okay with it.

Ben lays back panting, as Sarah collapse on top of him panting as well.

Mark: I hope you’re okay if I cum inside Nina.

Ben: panting well… That’s up to Nina.

Nina: Well… I guess since Ben came inside Sarah, I’m fine with it.

Mark walks back over to Nina

Mark: Stand up, baby girl.

Nina stands up as command. Mark grabs her ass, and picks her up off the ground.

Nina: Omg…

Mark: Haha, didn’t expect this huh?

Nina: Haha, nope.

Mark: looks to Ben Now, just relax, and watch me fuck your wife.

Ben looks at them, while Sarah is kissing him. Mark sticks his cock inside Nina, and starts fucking her in the air.

Nina: Ah fuck… Omg… Fuck… Oooh…

Mark: Yea… You like that, Nina?

Nina: Mmhmm… Mmhmm…

Mark lifts Nina up and down, sliding her pussy on his cock back and forth.

Mark: Fuck yea… You’re so fucking tight…

Nina: Omg… Mark… You’re so strong… So fucking hard…

Mark carries Nina over to the wall, puts her put against it, and fucks her pussy standing up.

Mark: Yea… Yea… Fucking like that?

Nina: Fuck yes… Yes… Yes…

Mark: Ah yea… My turn to cum…

Mark pounds Nina harder against the wall.

Nina: Omg… Omg… Omg…

Mark: Get ready… I’m gonna cum…

Mark pounds Nina even harder against the wall.

Nina: Omg… Mark… FUUUCK… UGHHHH….


Nina cums all over Mark’s cock, as Mark cums inside Nina’s pussy. Mark’s cum slowly drips out of Nina’s pussy.

Mark: panting Fuck… that felt good…

Nina: panting Omg… I felt it… It’s so warm…

Mark and Nina kiss each other, and Ben and Sarah kiss each other.

Mark carries Nina back to the bed. He lays down on his back, putting Nina on top of him.

Mark: Yo Ben?

Ben: Yea?

Mark: Still hard?

Ben: Semi hard now, haha.

Mark: Meh, good enough. Get behind your wife, would you.

Sarah gets off Ben, and Ben gets behind Nina.

Ben: Now what?

Mark pushes his cock back inside Nina’s pussy.

Nina: Ugh… Fuck… Oooh…

Mark: Ah yea… Mmmm… Alright, all I want you to do is fuck your wife’s butthole, while I fuck her pussy. You know, double penetration.

Ben: Haha, we never done that before. But I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try.

Mark spreads Nina’s ass cheek, revealing her butthole to Ben. Ben pushes his cock into her butthole.

Nina: Omg… Honey… Oooh…

Ben: Ah yea… Oooh… It’s in…

Mark: Good… Alright, at the same time Ben…

Mark and Ben fuck both of Nina’s holes at the same time.

Nina: Fuck… Fuck… Omg… I never had two cocks in my holes…

Mark: Ah yea… First time for everything, haha…

Ben: Damn… Damn… So tight…

Mark and Ben fuck both of Nina’s holes harder.

Nina: Fuck fuck fuck fuck…

Mark: Yea… Ah yea… so tight…

Ben: Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh…

Mark and Ben fuck Nina even harder.

Nina: Omg… I’m gonna cum… UGHHH…

Mark: Me too… Me too… UGHHH… FUUUCK…

Ben: Ah shit! Shit! FUUUCK… YESSS…

All three of them cum at the same time, as cum oozes out of Nina’s holes. Nina collapse on top of Mark, and Ben collapse on top of Nina. All three begin panting.

Ben: Whew! Hahaha…

Mark: That felt great…

Ben: Should we do Sarah next?

Mark: Fuck yes…

Ben pulls out of Nina’s butthole, with his cum oozing out. Nina gets off Mark, with his cum oozing out her pussy, and she lays on the bed.

Ben lays on his back, Sarah gets on top of him, and Mark gets behind her. Ben pushes his cock into Sarah’s pussy. Instead of Sarah’s butthole, Mark pushes his cock into her pussy as well, sliding his cock against Ben’s cock. Sarah’s pussy would swallow both cocks at the same time.

Ben: Oh fuck! Wow!

Sarah: Oooh… Two cocks in my pussy…

Mark: Ah yea… yea…

Ben and Mark both fuck Sarah’s pussy. While fucking her pussy, Ben’s cock and Mark’s cock rub against each other. Their balls also rub against each other.

Sarah: Fuck… Fuck me… Yes…

Ben: Omg… This is amazing… fuck…

Mark: Ah yea… Yea… C’mon, let’s fuck her…

Ben and Mark fuck Sarah harder, rubbing each other’s cock and balls against each other.

Sarah: Omg… I’m so close… fuck…

Ben: Ah yea… Ah yea… Yea…

Mark: Fuck… Same time… Same time…

Ben and Mark fuck Sarah’s pussy even harder, stimulating both cocks at the same time against each other.

Sarah: Fuck… Fuck… UGHHH… FUUUCK…

Ben: Ah yea… Here I… UGHHH…

Mark: Fuck… FUUUCK…. UGHHH…

All three of them cum together, with cum oozing out of Sarah’s pussy and down Ben’s cock.

Sarah: panting Omg… It’s so warm…

Ben: Ah shit! Haha… Oh wow, is that my cum or yours, Mark?

Mark: Gotta be honest, I have no idea, hahaha…

Mark pulls out of Sarah, with more cum oozing out of her down on to Ben’s cock and balls.

Mark: Hey Nina?

Nina: Yes, Mark?

Mark: Just wondering… Would you like to taste some of my cum?

Nina: Well… I guess it wouldn’t hurt to do so hehehe… Sure Mark.

Ben looks at Sarah.

Ben: Hey Sarah? Just wondering, what does a guy’s cum taste like?

Sarah: Well, it depends. It can be a bit salty, but sometimes really good.

Mark looks over at Ben and Sarah.

Mark: What y’all say?

Ben: Oh… I was just asking Sarah what a guy’s cum tasted like.

Mark: Oh, haha, interesting.

Mark looks down at his cock, soaked in cum.

Mark: Well… If you really want to know what a guy’s cum taste like, there’s still some cum on my cock.

Ben: Oh… Um… It’s okay… haha…

Mark: Nonsense… Here, just have a taste…

Ben: Uh, it’s okay Mark…

Mark walks back over to Ben’s head, and kneels down

Mark: C’mon, you’re not scared of a cock, are you?

Ben: No…

Mark: Well… Go ahead, have a taste…

Ben: Uhhh… I don’t know man…

Mark: Don’t worry, you don’t have to suck my cock… Just lick the cum off of it…

Ben is a bit hesitant. But he then slowly licks Mark’s cock up, down, and around.

Mark: Oooh…

Ben: licking Mark’s cock Uhhh…

Mark: Don’t worry, it’s just a reaction… Taste as much as you want…

Ben continues licking Mark’s cock. Eventually, Ben licks Mark’s cock all clean, nice and shiny.

Mark: Oooh… How’s it taste?

Ben: Hmmm… It tastes alright, a bit salty, but alright.

Mark: Cool cool. Alrighty, Nina, your turn.

Mark walks over to Nina, and Nina gets on her knees. She opens her mouth, while Mark jerks himself, aiming into Nina’s mouth.

Nina: Do it… Give it to me….

Mark: Yea… You want my cum?

Nina: Yes… Give it to me…

Mark jerks himself harder.

Mark: get ready, Nina… here we go…

Mark jerks himself even harder

Mark: Yes… Yes… Yes… UGHHH… FUUUCK…

Mark shoots his cum into Nina’s mouth.

Nina: swallows Mmmm… Tasty hehehe…

Mark and Nina looks over, and sees Sarah on her knees, ready to taste Ben’s cum.

Ben: jerking himself Yea… Sarah… Get ready… Here it cums…

Sarah: Yea… yea… give it to me…

Sarah opens her mouth wide, as Ben aims his cock into her mouth. He jerks himself harder.


Ben shoots his cum into Sarah’s mouth.

Sarah: swallows Mmmm… Not bad… Hehehe…

Ben lays on the bed.

Ben: Yo Mark, Sarah?

Mark: Yea, Ben?

Sarah: Yea?

Ben: You guys okay with Nina and I sleep here tonight? We’re kinda exhausted from the sex to even get up to go to our cabin.

Mark: Yea sure man, anything.

Sarah: Of course haha.

Ben and Nina make a makeshift bed on the floor out of pillows and blankets.

Nina: Tonight was a fun night.

Sarah: It sure was, haha.

Mark: Goodnight guys!

Nina: Goodnight!

Ben: Night guys!

The four of them fall asleep. 3:00 am rolls around and still dark.

Mark feels something tugging on his cock, making it semi hard.

Mark: Mmmm… Mmmm…

Mark feels the head of his cock getting wet while stimulated. Mark slightly opens his eyes, and finds Ben sucking on the head of his cock.

Mark: Huh? Ben? What are you doing?

Ben: Oh shit! Sorry, didn’t know you were awake.

Mark: No no, it’s okay, I just woke up. What’s going on?

Ben: Oh it’s nothing. I’ll be heading back to sleep now.

Mark: Oh c’mon, you can tell me.

Ben: Well… You know how I asked what a guy’s cum tasted like?

Mark: Ohhh… Were you wanting to taste my cum?

Ben: Well, I was a bit curious…

Mark gets out of bed slowly not to wake up Sarah.

Mark: Come on, let’s go to the bathroom. I’ll give you a taste from the direct source.

Mark and Ben both get into the bathroom

Ben: Now what?

Mark: Well, you’re gonna have to get on your knees, haha.

Ben gets on his knees. Mark approaches Ben’s mouth with his semi-hard cock.

Mark: Alright, now just open your both, and I’ll do the rest.

Ben opens his mouth for Mark. Mark puts the head of his cock in Ben’s mouth, placing it on his tongue. Mark jerks himself with his cock in Ben’s mouth.

Mark: Mmmm… Mmmm…

Mark jerks himself a little faster.

Mark: Mmmm… Actually, Ben. I need you to do something. To get me harder, you know.

Ben: Um, sure…

Mark takes his cock out of Ben’s mouth, and stuffs his balls in Ben’s mouth instead.

Ben: Mmmm… Mmmm…

Mark: Oooh…. Okay, now just suck my balls, while I jerk off.

Ben sucks on Mark’s balls, while Mark jerks himself. Mark lightly smacks his cock on Ben’s face.

Mark: Oooh… Yea, just like that…

Ben: Mmmm… Mmmm…

Mark’s cock grows harder and harder.

Mark: Oooh… Alright, get ready Ben.

Mark pulls his balls out of Ben’s mouth, and places the head of his cock on Ben’s tongue. Mark jerks himself harder.

Mark: Fuck… Fuck… I’m almost there.

Ben keeps his mouth open, as Mark jerks himself harder.


Mark shoots his cum, string after string, into Ben’s mouth and tongue. Ben swallows Mark’s cum.

Mark: Whew! Damn… How it taste?

Ben: Hmmm… Not bad, not bad…

Mark: Cool, Cool. Think you can clean up for me?

Ben sucks on the head of Mark’s cock, sucking up remaining cum from inside the shaft like a straw.

Mark: Oooh… Thanks man.

Ben: Alright, now time to sleep.

Mark smacks Ben’s ass as they walk out the bathroom back to sleep.

For the rest of the cruise trip, both couples would have fun together in and out of the bedroom.

The End!

Written by Unknown

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