Chicago Single Women Seeking Couples Public 7 7 Members 1 1 Post 0 0 Media If you are a single woman who is seeking couples. And you live in the areas of Chicago, Wisconsin and Indiana., This group is for you! This group is a post...
Couples for Private online fun(phone/ cyber Sex) Public 892 892 Members 200 200 Posts 58 58 Media couples that like to have phone/cyber sex with other couples!
Shared Wives Public 1.9k 1.9k Members 385 385 Posts 104 104 Media For guys looking for shared wives for threesome or moresomes or couple wanting to share their wife or a hubby even.
Southern Wisconsin/ Illinois boarder Public 112 112 Members 43 43 Posts 7 7 Media Fun relaxed people who actually will meet!! No fakes or watchers. People who make time and meet.